Breeze Thru Environmental Program

Community, Company News

Did you know that washing your car at Breeze Thru Car Wash is a perfect way to go green?

Most people don’t know that washing your car at home uses between 40 and 140 gallons of freshwater. And, the runoff full of harmful road chemicals, oils, and debris flows directly into waterways and harms wildlife.

At Breeze Thru, our car wash systems are built with the environment in mind!

When you wash at Breeze Thru we use a mix of reclaimed and fresh water to wash your vehicle, saving between 10 and 30 gallons of freshwater per wash!


How do we do it?

Through an intricate underground system, water flows into settling tanks where heavier sediment and particulates are gradually separated through a series of tanks. Then, the water is filtered through two tiers of strainer filtration, cyclonic filtration, and a carbon-particulate polishing tank resulting in sediment as small as 1 micron. That is really small. A human hair is 50 microns in width!

Then, we use Ultra Violet Light to kill bacteria. Recycled and filtered water has two tiers of refined quality. One of which we can recycle for the use of high-pressure rinsing and one which we can recycle for chemical application again. The process of recycling water helps us to save more than 105 MILLION every year!

What’s more?

Our chemistry is engineered with water conservation in mind and enhances the ability to reuse water throughout our washes. More of the road film and sediment from vehicles stays captured in the tanks for safe removal supporting environmental sustainability. And our large electrical energy loads are managed via Variable Frequency Drives and computer programming to reduce our energy demands by as much as 30%!

It’s easy to go green when you wash at Breeze Thru!
